Recovery Communities of North Carolina’s (RCNC) mission is to promote addiction recovery, wellness and citizenship through advocacy, education and support. Our vision is:
- North Carolina promotes a culture that supports addiction recovery for individuals, families and communities
- North Carolinians seeking addiction recovery have access to the highest quality care, services, and support
- North Carolinians in addiction recovery are equal and valued members of our State
- North Carolinians in addiction recovery have opportunities to achieve their fullest educational, occupational and civic potential
- Recovery from addiction is a celebrated reality

In the summer of 2012, individuals in recovery, their families, friends and allies recognized the need to host an event during September’s National Recovery Month.
As a result of this grassroots effort, the 1st Annual Capital Area Rally for Recovery was held. While preparing for the 2nd Annual Capital Area Rally for Recovery it was decided that a non-profit recovery community organization should be formed for the purpose of sponsoring the annual rally for recovery, as well as other recovery advocacy efforts.
By the spring of 2013, Recovery Communities of North Carolina, Inc. (RCNC) was founded and quickly joined the national recovery advocacy movement by becoming a member of Faces and Voices of Recovery‘s Association of Recovery Community Organizations.

"If you have found recovery, consider giving the community your story as an instrument of hope and healing. If you have been blessed by resources that helped you find and sustain recovery, then join the fight to expand resources for those still suffering.” – William L. White