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Our Mission

Recovery Communities of North Carolina (RCNC) is a nonprofit organization and our mission is to promote addiction recovery, wellness and citizenship through advocacy, education and support.

  • People Helped via Recovery Support & Services
    People Helped via Recovery Support & Services


  • Volunteer Hours to Empower Community
    Volunteer Hours to Empower Community


  • Dollars Raised to Support Recovery
    Dollars Raised to Support Recovery


  • Statewide Trainings & Educational Offerings
    Statewide Trainings & Educational Offerings


If you’re looking for a way to get outside while also improving your whole self, gardening may be the hobby for you.

You know volunteering has a positive influence (make friends, build connections, gain experiences, etc.), but did you know that it can actually assist your health?

There are always ways to give back to others around you, even including the presents you buy. Here are some ideas for Father’s Day gifts that give back.

  • ARCO